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Approval Plan Details - Very long invoices


General processing guidelines

Very long approval invoices (over 100 lines) may be processed by creating multiple purchase orders. Each purchase order should be about 100 lines and should end at the end of a page of the invoice. End the purchase order at the end of the page closest to 100 lines. For example:

  • Page 3 of the invoice ends at line no. 95 on the purchase order ; page 4 would be line no. 128 : End the purchase order at the bottom of page 3 and start a new purchase order beginning at page 4.
  • Page 3 of the invoice ends at line no. 85 on the purchase order ; page 4 ends at line no. 107 : End the purchase order at the bottom of page 4.
Do not do a new purchase order for each page. This makes processing the invoice extraordinarily time-consuming.
If the invoice overall is just slightly over 100 lines there is no reason to create a second purchase order. For example, an invoice is much more easily processed using a 120-line purchase order than using a 100-line order and a 20-line order.

Specific processing guidelines

Daftar-e Nashr-e Ketab      Isis      Dar Mahjar

  [Approval Vendor Table]