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Valva Sheet Music Collection

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Title Subtitle Composer Arranger Publisher Publisher City & State Publication Date
(Ta de da le lum) dangerous blues vocal dance waltz Brown, Billy Powell, H.A. J.W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. Kansas City, MO 1922
10th regiment march Hall, R. B. Luck, A. Harry Coleman Phila. Pa. 1895
12th St. rag slow foxtrot arrangement Bowman, Euday L. Wheeler, C.E. J.W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. Kansas City, MO 1919
15th U. S. cavalry band march Wyman, Bob Walter Jacobs 1916
16th regiment march Losey, F. H. Harry Coleman Philadelphia, Pa. 1905
1863 march medley Calvin, E. C. E. C. Calvin St. Johnsville, N.Y. 1902
22nd regiment march Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto Edward Schuberth & Co. 1898
5th nocturno Leybach, J. Carl Fischer New York
5th nocturno Leybach, J. Moses-Tobani, Theo. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1903
7th regt. (gray jackets) march two-step Neyer, E. Carl Fischer New York 1897
A-Sa-Ma two step-intermezzo Van Alstyne, Egbert Lampe, J. Bodewalt Shapiro, Remick & Co. Detroit, MI & New York, NY 1904
A. B. C. dramatc set, no. 23 heavy dramatic scene Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. NY
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 1 heavy misterioso Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1915
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 10 diabolical scene Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1915
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 12 fire scene Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1916
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 13 Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1916
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 16 Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1916
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 20 Kempinski, Leo A. Photo Play Music Co. 1520 Broadway, NYC
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 25 Luz, Ernst
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 3 Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1915
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 4 light agitato Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 5 pizz. misterioso Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1915
A. B. C. dramatic set, no. 8 Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York City 1915
A. B. C. photo play concert edition, no. 6 fifteen dramatic and pathetic minutes : reverie and elegie Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1917
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 11 western scene Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1916
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 14 heavy romantic or pathetic descriptive Luz, Ernst Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1916
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 15 society reception or cabaret scene Luz, Ernst Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1916
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 2 hy-dramatic desc. Luz, Ernst Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1915
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 6 misterioso Luz, Ernst Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1915
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 7 Luz, Ernst Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1915
A.B.C. dramatic set, no. 9 storm scene Luz, Ernst Luz, Ernst Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1915
Abandon (ganz verlassen) waltz Waldteufel, E. Carl Fischer New York
Abide with me Schuster
Abide with me Monk
Absence makes the heart grow fonder solo for 'cello, cornet or trombone Dillea, Herbert Saddler, Frank M. Whitmark & Sons 1900
Abu Hassan overture Weber Gruenwald, R. Oliver Ditson Company Boston, MA & London, UK 1902
Acclamations waltz Waldteufel, E. Tobani, Theo. M. Carl Fischer New York 1896
Accusation dramatic scene Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1925
Aces high over the top ; march Boulton, John Levy, Sol P. Belwin, Inc. N.Y.C. 1918
Acushla medley two-step Sutton, Harry O. Clark, Tom M. Witmark & Sons N.Y. 1907
Adagio for depicting prison scenes, death scenes, etc. Becker, Will. L. Carl Fischer New York
Adagio elegiaque Wieniawski, Henri Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1924
Adagio lamentoso fourth movement-finale Tschaikowsky, Peter Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York
Adagio pathétique Godard, Benj. Jungnickel, Ross Leduc, Alphonse, G. Schirmer, Robbins Music Corporation 1910
Adele valse Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1913
Adele trot one step march two step Lampe, J. Bodewalt Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1913
Adieu Frim, Rudolf Sanford, Harold
Adlyn waltzes Hall, John T. The John T. Hall Music Pub. Co. 1285 Broadway, N.Y. 1898
Admiral Schley's victory march Laurendeau, L. P. Carl Fischer New York 1898
Admiration valse poetique Colby, Carleton L. Alford-Colby Co. Chicago, IL 1913
Admiration Hawaiian idyl. Tyers, Wm. H. Tyers, Wm. H. G. Ricordi & Co. Inc. New York, NY 1915
Adolesence Collinge, F. C. Bial, Ernst Belwin Inc. NY
Adorable foxtrot Wynburn, Raymond Barry, Frank E. Leo Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1926
Adoration Borowski, Felix Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1917
Adoration Borowski, Felix Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York
Adoration waltz song Magine, Frank Colby, Carleton L. J. W. Jenkins' Sons Music Co. Kansas City, Mo. 1924
Adoring You foxtrot Tierney, Harry Barry, Frank E. Leo. Feist, Inc. New York 1924
Aesop's fables-animated cartoons fast moving comedy Tschaikowsky Roberts Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Affinity waltzes Scott, J. Watson Alford, Harry L. Will Rossiter Chicago, Ill. 1910
Afflizione Gabriel, Marie Societe Anonyme des Editions Ricordi Paris
African dreamland intermezzo-two step Atwater, Geo. Smith, Maurice F. Leo Feist 134 W. 37th St. NY
After glow reverie-serenade Lincoln, Harry J. Losey, F. H. Vandersloot Music Pub. Co. Williamsport, PA 1916
After the rain foxtrot Sizemore; Shrigley Collard, Wm. A. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY 1922
After the rain foxtrot Sizemore; Shrigley Collard, Wm. A. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1922
After vespers a twilight meditation Moret, Neil Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York & Detroit
After-glow a tone picture Cobb, George L.
Aggravatin' papa foxtrot Turk, Roy; Robinson, J. Russel Lange, Arthur Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. New York 1922
Agitated conversation Kilenyi, Edward Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Agitated hurry for flights from danger, hurrying to the rescue, etc Bergé, Irénée McCabe, James C. Robbins-Engel, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Agitation Borch, Gaston Hawkes & Son London, UK 1923
Agitation Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York
Agitation poignante Gabriel, Marie; Ourdine, Hans S. Chapelier
Agitato Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1914
Agitato Riesenfeld, Hugo G. Schirmer 1918
Agitato for general use Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato for scenes of heavy or mysterious action leading to fights or tumults Becker, Will. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato for depicting mob scenes, tumults, riots, etc. Becker, Will. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato anxious expectation Bergé, Irénée Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York, NY 1922
Agitato heavy, for general use Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1919
Agitato for general use Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato for general use Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Agitato Lake, M.L. Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Agitato (allegro) Becker, Will. L. Carl Fischer New York
Agitato (heavy) Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Agitato a la valse Savino, Domenico Savino, Domenico Robbins Engel, Inc. New York, NY 1924
Agitato and furioso Lake, M.L. Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Agitato appassionato, no. 55 Borch, Gaston S.M. Berg New York, NY 1917
Agitato con moto Borch, Gaston G. Schirmer New York, NY 1918
Agitato furioso Ketelbey, ALbert W. Bosworth and Co., Ltd. 1924
Agitato in D minor Boehnlein, Victor G. Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Agitato misterioso Langey, Otto G. Schirmer New York, NY 1918
Agitato misterioso and grandioso con morendo Breil, Joseph Carl Chappell and Co. Ltd. 1917
Agitato pathetique Borch, Gaston Belwin, Inc. 701 7th Ave., NYC
Agitato, no. 1 Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Richmond-Robbins Inc. New York, NY 1923
Agitato, no. 1 Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1915
Agitato, no. 1 Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1915
Agitato, no. 2 Andino, J. E. G. Schirmer, Inc. 1915
Agitato, no. 2 for struggles, excitement, arguments, fights Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Richmond-Robbins, Inc. New York, NY 1924
Agitato, no. 3 for street brawls, riots, etc Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Polla, W. C. Richmond-Robbins, Inc. New York, NY 1924
Agitato, no. 3 suitable for gruesome or infernal scenes, witches, etc. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1916
Agitato, no. 37 for fights and riots Andino, J. E. S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Agitato, no. 4 Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Agitato, no. 4 Minot, Adolf G. Schirmer 1916
Agitato, no. 49 for general use Sheperd, John S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Agitato, no. 6 for angry discussion or riot Kiefert, Carl S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1916
Agitato, no. 69 for scenes of tumult Minot, Adolf S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Agudwun march & two step Shipman, Jas. D. Wirz, Ad. Jas. D. Shipman 18 E. 116th St., N.Y. 1901
Aida march Tobani, Theo. M. Carl Fischer New York 1896
Aida - march G. Verdi's opera M. Tobani, Theo. Carl Fischer New York, NY
Ain't my baby grand? foxtrot King, Robert; Henderson, Ray Terry, Lee; Brown, Lew, words Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. New York, NY 1925
Ain't we got fun foxtrot Whiting, Richard A. Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York 1921
Ain't we got fun Kahn, Gus; Egan, Raymond; Whiting, Richard A. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1921
Ain't you coming back to Dixieland foxtrot Whiting, Richard A. McCabe, James C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1917
Ain't you, baby foxtrot Ager, Milton Skinner, Frank Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc. New York 1929
Air de ballet Français Borch, Gaston G. Schirmer, Inc. New York, NY 1917
Air de ballet Langey, Otto Herbert, Victor G. Schirmer 1912
Air de ballet (Op. 30, No. 1) Chaminade, C. Gillet, Ernest G. Schirmer New York, NY 1910
Air de ballet, no. 2 Español Borch, Gaston G. Schirmer, Inc. New York, NY
Air de ballet, no. 2 Español Borch, Gaston G. Schirmer 1917
AL-I-CE intermezzo-caprice Hauenschild, Walter G. Hauenschild, Walter G. Photo Play Music Co. New York, NY 1921
Ala moana foxtrot Lukens, Bob; Noble, Johnny Helm, Mornay D. Irving Berlin Inc. New York, NY 1922
Alabammy snow foxtrot David, Lee Jacoby, Elliott Leo. Feist, Inc. New York 1929
Alabamy bound foxtrot Green, Bud; De Sylva, Bud; Henderson, Ray Lange, Arthur Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. New York, NY 1925
Alagazam cake-walk & two-step Holzmann, Abe Mackie, W.H. Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1902
Alborada, no. 109 caprice espagnola Andino, J. E. S. M. Berg New York, NY 1917
Album leaf, an Wagner, Richard Moses-Tobani, Theo. Carl Fischer New York
Album of my dreams, the foxtrot Davis, Lou; Arlen, Harold Nussbaum, Joseph Leo.Feist,Inc. New York 1929
Albumleaf Cui, César Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1917
Albumleaf Cui, César Langey, Otto G. Schirmer, Inc. New York, NY 1917
Alcoholic blues, the foxtrot Von Tilzer, Albert Eastwood, Ted Broadway Music Corp. New York, NY 1919
Algonquin march Seltzer, F. R. Harry Coleman Philadelphia, Pa. 1905
Alhambra marche espagnole Chambers, Paris Carl Fischer New York 1907
Alice blue gown waltz from "Irene" Tierney, Harry; McCarthy, Joseph Schulz, [William] Leo Feist, Inc. Feist Building, N.Y. 1920
Alice, where art thou?/the low-backed car/a day dream/Sally in our alley White, Fred J. Schott New York, NY 1889
All aboard for heaven all aboard for home sweet home Rose, Billy; Meyer, Joseph Lange, Arthur Irving Berlin, Inc. New York 1925
All alone waltz / foxtrot Berlin, Irving Eastwood, Ted IrvingBerlin Inc. 1607 Broadway, New York 1924
All alone march and two step von Tilzer, Harry Evans, Everett J. Harry von Tilzer Music Pub. Co. New York, NY 1911
All America march Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, Ohio 1916
All muddled up foxtrot Wenrich, Percy Schulz, Wm Leo. Feist Inc. New York 1922
All over nothing at all foxtrot song Rule, James S. Trinkaus, Geo. J. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1922
Alla stella confidente bright star of love Robaudi, A. Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York
Allegro for depicting pursuit, races, etc. Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Allegro agitato (a) hurry for races runaways, speeding trains, with (b) sudden crash or stop and (c) consequent disaster or quieting of excitement Breil, Joseph Carl Chappell & Co. Ltd. 1917
Allegro agitato excitement, disputes, desperate action, rage, etc. Savino, Domenico G. Schirmer, Inc. 1923
Allegro agitato, no. 1 for general use Kiefert, Carl S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1916
Allegro agitato, no. 8 Andino, J.E. S.M. Berg New York, NY 1916
Allegro infernale Aborn, Morris Belwin, Inc. New York, New York 1921
Allegro misterioso for stealthyscenes, mysterious gatherings, etc. Axt, William Robbins-Engel Inc. 1658 Broadway, New York City
Allegro misterioso notturno Borch, Gaston G. Schirmer New York, NY 1918
Allegro moderato Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Allegro precipitoso pursuit, intense wrangling almost to blows Savino, Domenico G. Schirmer 1923
Allegro viogoroso duels, sword-fights, struggles, etc. Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1919
Allegro viogoroso duels, sword-fights, struggles, etc. Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1919
Allegro vivace for depicting hunting scenes etc. Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1914
Allegro vivace, no. 1 a hunting scene (characteristic hunting sketch, horse fair, cowboy scene, charivari, etc.) Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1915
Allegro, no. 1 a joyful crowd, pursuit, races, etc. Minot, Adolf G. Schirmer 1915
Allegro, no. 2 cowboy riding, a characteristic race-course scene, with horse-hoof effects, etc. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer, Inc. 1916
Alma spanish waltz Aronson, Rudolph New York Music Publishing Co. Limited 1890
Almah Egyptian sketch Colby, Carleton L. Alford-Colby Music Library Chicago, IL 1914
Aloha sunset land foxtrot Kawelo, Ioane Zamecnik, J.S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1916
Alone in the rain foxtrot Goulding, Edmund; Dougherty, Dan Skinner, Frank Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc. New York 1929
Alone with my dreams foxtrot Archer, Harry Skinner, Frank Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1930
Along miami shore Warren, Harry; Hirsch, Walter; Olman, Abe Manlowe Music Publishers 1926
Along the rocky road to Dublin Grant, Bert Moquin, Al Waterson, Berlin & Snyder New York, NY 1915
Along the rocky road to Dublin two-step march Grant, Bert Schulz, Wm. [William] Waterson, Berlin & Co. Strand Theatre Bldg., N.Y. 1915
Along the way to Waikiki & I can hear the ukeleles calling me foxtrot Whiting; Paley McCabe, James C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1917
Always Berlin, Irving Irving Berlin, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Always waltz Berlin, Irving Eastwood, Ted Irving Berlin Inc. New York 1925
Always in the way intro. down where the breezes blow ; medley waltz Smith, Maurice F. Chas. K. Harris New York 1903
Alysia valse appassionato Frey, Hugo Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1658 Broadway, New York City
Am I a passing fancy ballad foxtrot Silver, Abner Sisson, "Kenn" Arthur Behim, Music Corp. New York 1929
Am I to blame novelty foxtrot Fazioli, Bill Eastwood, Ted Broadway Music Corporation New York 1923
Am I wasting my time on you foxtrot Bibo, Irving; Johnson, Howard Skinner, Frank Bibo, Bloedon & Lang New York 1926
Am Meer by the sea Schubert, Franz Boettger, E. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1890
Ambrosia waltz Tracy, [George] L. Oliver Ditson Company 1898
Ameer, the march & schottische Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto M. Witmark & Sons N.Y. 1899
America first march- two step Losey, F. H. Carl Fischer New York 1915
America, our pride national hymn Oesterle, Louis Edward Schuberth & Co. 11th East 22nd St. 1916
American Beauties march - two step St Clair., F.J. H.N. White Cleveland, OH 1905
American beauty, an intermezzo Balfmoor, Emmet D. Muller New York 1902
American broadcast, the march Cobb, George L. Walter Jacobs Inc. Boston 1925
American Fantasie Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto Edward Schuberth & Co. New York, NY 1898
American girl two-step Herbert, Victor Edward Schuberth & Co. 1896
American heiress, an waltzes Rosey, George Jerome H. Remick & Co. Detroit & New York 1908
American league march, the Losey, F. H. Harry Coleman Philadelphia, Pa. 1904
American patrol Meacham, F. W. Carl Fischer New York 1912
American republic march Thiele, H. H. W. H. Cundy Boston, Mass. 1888
Amidst thunder of cannon march Meinecke, Carl Lake, M. L. A. E. Fischer Bremen. 1907
Amo melodie in E Minor Robyn, Alfred G. O'Hare, W.C. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1906
Amorettentaenze waltz Gung'l, Jos. Carl Fischer New York 1892
Amoroso double tango Henri, Jacques Carry & Co. 1914
Amos 'n' Andy novelty foxtrot Tracey, Wm.; Stanley, Jack Garr, Dewey Bibo-Lang, Inc. New York 1930
Amour déçu. Borch, Gaston Hawkes & Son London, England 1923
Amour et printemps Waldteufel, E. Carl Fischer New York 1906
Amour eternel valse Mittenthal, Frances Lampe, J. Bodewalt G. W. Setchell 633 Washington St., Boston 1906
Amourette valse petite Klemm, Gustav Baron, Maurice G. Schirmer, Inc New York, NY 1925
Amoureuse valse très lente Berger, Rodolphe Charmettes, Victor Enoch & Cie. Paris, France 1900
Anchors aweigh the song of the Navy Zimmermann, Chas. A.; Savino, D.; Lottman, George D., lyric Skinner, Frank Robbins Music Corporation New York, NY 1930
And he'd say 'oo-la-la! wee wee' one or two step Ruby, Harry; Jessel, George Schulz, Wm. Waterson, Berlin, & Snyder Co. New York, NY 1919
And she's only a baby that's all Howard, Richard Solman, Joe Orpheum Music Co. Boston 1922
Andalucia valse Espagnole Le Thiere, Ch. Carl Fischer New York 1890
Andante appassionato Soro, Enrique Baron, Maurice G. Schirmer Inc. 1924
Andante appassionato, no. 57 depicting dramatic emotion del Gastillo, G. S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Andante cantabile Tobani, Theo. M. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1900
Andante cantabile Bergé, Irénée Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York, NY 1923
Andante doloroso Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Andante doloroso, no. 51 depicting grief or anguish Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Andante doloroso, no. 70 depicting pathetic emotion Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Andante dramatic, no. 15 for impending danger Herbert, Chas. K. S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1916
Andante dramatico, no. 62 depicting suppressed dramatic emotion Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Andante from surprise symphonie Haydn, J. Carl Fischer New York
Andante melodioso Rachmaninoff, S. Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1922
Andante misterioso (a) For stealthy ominous scenes, conspiracies, vengeance, threats, approach of assassins, storms, etc. with (b) consequent, murders, wrecks, or breaking of the elements, and general disaster. (c) The aftermath, a dire dismal recollection Breil, Joseph Carl Chappell & Co. Ltd. 1917
Andante mysterioso Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York
Andante mysterioso/mysterioso agitato Becker, Will. L. (both) Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Andante patetico e doloroso for deep sorrow, sickness, or death Borch, Gaston G. Schirmer 1918
Andante Pathetique from "Among the Roses" Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Andante pathetique, no. 10 Bergé, Irénée S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1916
Andante pathetique, no. 23 for general use Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1916
Andante pathétique, no. 1 prison scene, intense or dramatic situations, deep emotion Schumann, R. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1915
Andante Religioso Goltermann, G. (Op. 56) Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1917
Andante/Romance Mendelssohn, F. (Op. 64) ("Andante"); Wieniawski, Henri (Op. 22) ("Romance") Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York, NY 1914
Andy Gump Dixon, Harold Dixon-Lane Music Co., Inc. Chicago 1923
Anelante incidental dramatique Gabriel, Marie Societe Anonyme des Editions Ricordi Paris
Ange d'amour waltz Waldteufel, E. Carl Fischer New York 1890
Angel Child novelty foxtrot Price, Geo.; Silver, Abner; Davis, Benny Carl Fischer-Witmark New York 1922
Angels we call them mothers down here Kalmar, Bert; Ruby, Harry Evans, Everett J. Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. New York, NY 1921
Angosciosamente Incidental dramatique Gabriel, Marie Societe Anonyme des Editions Ricordi Paris
Animal cartoonix No. II comedy Aborn, Morris Belwin Inc. NYC
Anita Mexican Waltzes Barnard, G. D. The John Church Company
Annie Laurie/Old cabin home/Love's old sweet song Held, Will P. (all) Norman Jefferies 1924
Anniversary March Laurendeau, L. P. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1900
Anniversary waltzes Clement, F. W. Harry Coleman Phila., Pa. 1900
Anona Intermezzo-two step Grey, Vivian Smith, Lee Orean Leo Feist 134 W. 37th St. NY
Anti rag-time girl Trot one step march two step Janis, Elsie McCabe, J.C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1913
Anticipation Valse Macklin, Cecil Cary & Co. London, UK 1912
Appassionato dramatico To depict dramatic fervor and highly strung dramatic scenes Bergé, Irénée Robbins-Engel Inc. New York, NY 1925
Appassionato in A minor Savino, Domenico Savino, Domenico Robbins-Engel, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Appassionato patetico Bradford, James C. Belwin Inc. NYC
Appassionato, no. 1 Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Richmond-Robbins Inc. New York, NY 1923
Appassionato, no. 2 Axt, William McCabe, James C. Robbins-Engel Inc. New York, NY 1924
Appassionato, no. 3 Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. New York, NY 1926
Appassionato, no. 40 For love scenes of passion Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Appassionato, no. 47 Tschaikowsky's Romeo and Juliet Berge, Irenee S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Apple blossoms (a tone poem) Reverie Roberts, Kathleen A. Bendix, Theo. Leo Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1904
Apple Sauce foxtrot Lyman, Abe; Arnheim, Gus; Freed, Arthur McCabe, James C. Leo. Feist, Inc. New York 1922
April showers march Braham, George McCabe, J. C. M. Witmark & Sons N.Y. 19097
Après l'orage esquisse symphonique Mouton, H. J. Yves K. Paris, France
Arabia One Step Green, Geo. Hamilton Zamecnik, J.S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH
Arabian march Ascher, Emil Emil Ascher 1155 Broadway, N.Y. 1916
Arabian night/Idilio Romance ("Arabian Night") Mildenberg, Albert ("Arabian Night"); Lack, Theodore ("Idilio") Langey, Otto (both) G. Schirmer New York, NY 1909
Arabian romance A Dvorak foxtrot Polla, W. C. W. C. Polla 1925
Arabique foxtrot Katzman, Louis Alfred and Company New York 1926
Arabola An Arabian interlude. Hendrix, Karl Recker, Robert Leo Feist New York, NY 1905
Araby Intermezzo characteristique Johns, Al. Bendix, Theo. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1904
Aragonaise From J. Massenet's ballet: "le cid." Massenet, J. Kretschmer, Wm. F. Carl Fischer New York
Arcadians, the Valse Higgs, H. M.; Wood, Arthur Chappell & Co. Ltd. New York, NY 1910
Are you lonely? Burke, Joe; Herscher, Lou Paul, Walter Forster Music Pub. Inc. Chicago 1923
Are you lonesome to-night waltz Turk, Roy; Handman, Lou Eastwood, Ted Irving Berlin, Inc. 1607 B'way, N.Y. 1927
Are you thinking of me to-night? Waltz Davis, Benny; Akst, Harry; Gilbert, L. Wolfe Nussbaum, Joseph Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1927
Are you thinking of me tonight? waltz Davis, Benny; Akst, Harry; Gilbert, L. Wolfe Nussbaum, Joseph Leo Feist, Inc. Feist Building, New York 1927
Are you waiting for me waltz McConnell, George; Gaskill, Clarence; Davis, Phil Bleyer, Archie Bibo-Lang, Inc. 1595 Broadway, New Yoek 1930
Argument, an Breil, J. C. Sonnemann Music Co. Inc. NYC
Aria From the f# minor sonata, op. 11 Schumann, Robert Vecsey G. Schirmer, Inc. New York, NY 1913
Arioso Frey, Adolf Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1901
Arkansaw huskin' bee, an characteristic dance Pryor, Arthur Carl Fischer New York, NY 1899
Around the corner Novelty foxtrot Kassel, Art Barry, Frank E. Leo. Feist, Inc. New York 1930
Around the Sundial Capriccio del Castillo, L.G. Walter Jacobs Inc. Boston, MA 1923
Artist's dreams waltz Vollstedt, R. Laurendeau, L. P. Carl Fischer New York 1901
Artist's lfie waltz Strauss, Joh. Carl Fischer New York 1888
Artists's life waltz Strauss, Joh. Whiting, W. K. The Cundy-Bettoney Co. Boston, Mass. 1909
As long as I have you foxtrot Haubrich, Earl; Lewis, Al; Simon, Howard Wheeler, Clarence E. J.W. Jenkins Sons' Music Co. Kansas City, MO 1926
As long as I have you Haubrich, Earl; Lewis, Al; Simon, Howard J. W. Jenkins Sons' Music Co. Kansas City 1926
As we part Ilgenfritz, McNair; Peterson, Frederick Edward Schuberth & Co. New York, NY 1916
Asra, the Song / op. 32, no. 6 Rubenstein, Anton Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York, NY 1916
At a lawn party (A summer idyl) Steele, Porter Brooks & Denton New York, NY 1905
At dawning Cadman, Charles Wakefield Borch, Gaston Oliver Ditson Company Boston
At last waltz Davis, Lou; Olsen, George; Ackman, Herman Lange, Arthur De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc. 745 Seventh Avenue, N.Y. 1928
At peace with the world foxtrot Berlin, Irving Sisson, "Kenn" Irving Berlin Inc. New York 1926
At peace with the world waltz Berlin, Irving Eastwood, Ted Irving Berlin Inc. 1607 Broadway, N.Y.C. 1926
At sundown (when love is calling me home) foxtrot Donaldson, Walter Grofe, Ferdie Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1927
At sunrise Idylle Bratton, John W. Bendix, Theo. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1899
At the end of the road foxtrot Hanley, James F. Katzman, Louis Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. New York, NY 1924
At the end of the road Key G (orig) Mac Donald, Ballard; Hanley, James F. Ritzelle, Edw. Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. New York, NY 1924
At the grasshopper's hop (a trench pastime) Characteristic Two Step Bratton, John W. Dore, Daniel Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1918
At the Indian cabaret Howard, Richard Solman, Joe Orpheum Music Co. Boston 1922
At Twilight foxtrot Tracey, William; Pinkard, Maceo Skinner, Frank Gene Austin, Inc. New York 1929
At Twilight Theme and Romanze Golden, Earnest S. Photoplay Music Co. New York, NY 1917
Athalia Overture Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. (Op. 74) Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Au moulin/Babillage In der Muhle/Plauderei Gillet, Ernest (both) Tobani, Theo. M. (both) Carl Fischer New York, NY 1889
Au revoir waltz Waldteufel, E. Carl Fischer New York 1896
Au revoir but not goodbye Alter, Lou; Frey, Hugo Skinner, Frank; Klages, Raymond Robbins-Engel Inc. New York, NY 1927
Auf wiederseh'n waltz Greenberg, Abner Polla, W. C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York & Detroit 1928
Augusta Holmes Deux morceau Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York
Aurora Intermezzo royale / Scene de ballet Mehden, Jr., J. Louis von der Carl Fischer New York, NY 1910
Auto race selection, the Klein, Manuel O'Hare, W. C. M. Witmark & Sons NY
Autumn Moret, Neil Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. Detroit, MI 1906
Autumn Moret, Neil Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. Detroit-New York
Autumn gold Reverie Morton, Al. Aborn, Morris Belwin Inc. New York, NY
Autumn leaves waltzes Parker, Walter Coleman Vogler, Julius Parker Music Co. N.Y. 1905
Autumn song, an Morceau de Concert Wood, Haydn Chappell & Co. Ltd. London, UK 1921
Avalon foxtrot or March Jolson, Al; Rose, Vincent Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1920
Avalon foxtrot or march Jolson, Al; Rose, Vincent Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1920
Avalon An island idyl Moret, Neil Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1910
Ave Maria Mascagni, P. Moses, Theo. Carl Fischer New York 1892
Aviator, the two step Fulton, James M. Walter Jacobs Boston, Mass. 1908
Awake, dearest one! Duet Ball, Earnest R. Trinkaus, George J. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1915
Awakening, the valse hesitante Peters, Herbert Thompson, Harry C. Peers & Alberti Chicago, Ill. 1914
Away down east in Maine foxtrot Donaldson, Walter Terry, Lee Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., Inc. New York
Babillage Entre acte del Castillo, G. Berge, Irenee Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1917
Baby boo march two step Jewell, Fred The John Church Company 1904
Baby dreams Petite rêverie Boyaner, Samuel Aborn, Morris Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1921
Bad'ner Mad'ln Waltz Komzak, Karl Mahl, F. Carl Fischer New York 1906
Ballade moderne Bennett, Russell Harms Incorporated NY
Ballet russe Suite in five parts Luigini, A. Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York, NY
Ballet suite "la source" Delibes, Leo Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York, NY
Ballroom-chatter Valse-intermezzo Albi, Goerge N. Ocki Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, 1918
Ballroom-whispers Intermezzo Gregh, L. Moses., Theo. Carl Fischer New York 1892
Bam bam bamy shore foxtrot Henderson, Ray Lange, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1925
Bambalina foxtrot Youmans, Vincent; Stothart, Herbert Rosebrook, Leo Harms Incorporated New York 1923
Bamboo bay foxtrot Donaldson, Walter; B. Egan, Raymond; Whiting, Richard H. McCabe, James C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1922
Banana blues foxtrot Hanley, James F.; King, Robert Briegel, Geo. F. Shapiro, Bernstein Co. New York 1923
Bandolero, the march and two-step Sweet, Albert C. Bruhns, George Carl Fischer New York 1907
Bandolero, the march Clement, Fred W. J. E. Agnew Des Moines 1916
Banner, the march von Blon, Franz Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York 1903
Bantam step Jentes, Harry Briegel, Geo. F. Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., Inc. New York, NY 1916
Barcarole from "The Seasons" Tschaikowsky, P. Tobani, Theo. M. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1909
Barcarole, no. 65 Summer idyll Buse, William S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1917
Barcarolle amoureuse Casadesus, Robert Aborn, Morris Belwin Inc. NY
Barcarolle/Cabaret capers from "Tales of Hoffmann"/Parisian March Offenbach (Barcarolle); Allen, Thos. S. (Cabaret Capers) Walter Jacobs Boston, MA 1913
Barcelona Spanish 6-8 foxtrot Song Evans, Tolchard Barry, Frank E. Leo.Feist,Inc. New York 1926
Barney Google foxtrot Rose, Billy; Conrad, Con Lewis, J.C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1923
Barney McGee's making sheeps eyes at me waltz Brown, Fleta Jan O'Hare, W.C. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1908
Bartered bride, The Selection from Smetana's comic opera Kretschmer, William F. Carl Fischer New York 1899
Battle agitato, no. 16 Descriptive Minot, Adolf S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre, Bldg., New York 1916
Battle music Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1919
Battle music Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1919
Battle music Riesenfeld, Hugo G. Schirmer 1918
Battle music Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1919
Battle of Gettysburg descriptive march Paull, E. T. Schulz, Wm. [William] E. T. Paull Music Co. 243 W. 42nd St., N.Y. 1917
Battle of the nations descriptive march Paull, E. T. Schulz, Wm. [William] E. T. Paull Music Co. 243 W. 42nd St. N.Y. 1915
Battle of the waves march and two step Hall, John T. John T. Hall 1285 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 1900
Battle of Ypres Borch, Gaston S.M. Berg New York, NY 1918
Battle royal, the march and two-step Allen, Thos. S. Walter Jacobs 1912
Battle, The Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York
Bayadere From Marocco Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York
Beam from yonder star Bullard, F. F. Oliver Diston Company Boston, MA
Beatitude and bliss Pastorale Sibelius, Jean Pagel, Alfred Schlesinger Berlin 1921
Beauties of Erin Overture Bennet, C. W. Oliver Ditson Company Boston, MA 1901
Beautiful galatea, The Overture von Suppe, Franz Gruenwald. R. Cundy Music Co. Boston, MA 1895
Beautiful Ohio Waltz Earl, Mary Briegel, Geo. F. Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. New York, NY 1928
Beautiful star of heaven Reverie Drumheller, L. A. Messina, J. Jos. Morris 1906
Because Song d'Hardelot, Guy Roberts, Charles J. Boosey & Co. New York, NY 1903
Because Song d'Hardelot, Guy Roberts, Chas. J. Boosey & Co. New York, NY 1903
Because I love you waltz Berlin, Irving Sisson, Kenn Irving Berlin, Inc. 1607 Broadway, N.Y.C. 1926
Because of you foxtrot Fiorito, Ted Barry, Frank E.; Hirsch, Walter, lyricist Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Because there's a change in you Hirsch, Walter; Rose, Fred Skinner, Frank Forster Music Pub. Inc. Chicago, IL 1930
Because they all love you foxtrot Malie, Tommie; Little, Jack Haring, Bob Henry Waterson, Inc. New York, NY 1924
Because they all love you foxtrot Malie, Tommie; Little, Jack Haring, Bob Henry Waterson Inc. New York, NY 1924
Because you say good bye Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. New York 1919
Because you were an old sweetheart of mine Robinson, Harry I. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1902
Becky from Babylon from The Passing Show of 1921 (foxtrot) Silver, Abner; Gerber, Alex Kaplan, Dave M. Witmark Sons New York 1920
Bees A novelette Jones, Stephen O. Jones, Stephen O. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1912
Beethoven's moonlight sonata Beethoven, Ludwig van Montgomery, W. H. Riviere & Hawkes 28 Leicester Square, London
Before the footlights Lake, M. L. Manney, Charles F. Carl Fischer New York
Before the mast nautical medley march no. Laurendeau, L. P. Carl Fischer New York 1901
Before the mast nautical medley march no. 1 Laurendeau, L. P. Carl Fischer New York 1901
Belgian rose waltz Benoit, George; Levenson, Robert; Garton, Ted Googins, Howard T. Garton Bros. Boston, Mass. 1918
Bell of Bohemia, the march and two step Englander, L. Roberts, C. J. Edward Schuberth & Co. 1900
Belle of Montreal, the march Clement, Fred. W. Ernest S. Williams Boston, Mass. 1905
Belle of Pittsburg, the march Herbert, Victor Edward Schuberth & Co. 1895
Bells of the sea Solman, Alfred Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland O.
Beloved Waltz Kahn, Gus; Sanders, Joe Sisson, "Kenn" Irving Berlin Inc. New York, NY 1928
Beneath a balcony Winne, Jesse M. C. Ricordi & Co. Inc. New York, NY 1916
Beneath the holly Selection of Christmas songs Seredy-Tocaben Carl Fischer New York, NY 1917
Berceuse Jarnefelt, Armas Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York
Berceuse Friml, Rudolf Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer 1908
Berceuse Schytte, Ludwig Hildreth, R. E. Walter Jacobs Boston 1912
Beside a babbling brook foxtrot Kahn, Gus; Donaldson, Walter Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY 1923
Better land, the Cowen Harry Coleman Philadelphia, PA 1892
Beware Bizet Rosey, George George Rosey Pub. Co. New York, NY 1921
Bi-centennial march Reeves, D. W. Harry Coleman Philadelphia, Pa. 1895
Bide-a-wee Entr-acte Loraine, William O'Hare, [William] C. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1907
Big Brother Rath, Fred; Garren, Joe; Shauer, Mel Baker, William Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. New York, NY 1923
Big City Blues foxtrot Conrad, Con; Mitchell, Sidney D.; Gottler, Archie Skinner, Frank De Sylva, Brown, and Henderson, Inc. New York, NY 1929
Bim-bims, The Adam, Leon Geehl, Henry E. Augener Ltd. 1913
Bimini Bay foxtrot Whiting, Richard A.; Egan, Raymond B. Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1921
Birds and butterflies Intermezzo capriccioso Vely, Paul Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. New York, NY 1918
Birds and the brook, The Stults, R.M. Langey, Otto Brooks & Denton New York, NY 1901
Birth of love waltzes de Moulineux, Francois Smith, Lee Orean Continental Music Co. B'way & 28th St., N.Y. 1902
Bit o' blarney, a an Irish intermezzo-two step Helf, J. Fred Sol Bloom NY & Chicago
Bits of Remick's hits Medley Overture Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1912
Bits of Remick's hits Medley overture no 16 Remick, Jerome H. Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1915
Bits of Remick's hits Medley overture no 15 - A Remick, Jerome H. Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1914
Bizzaria Intermezzo Laurendeau, L. P. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1912
Black and tan polka Sowthian, Caroline Carl Fischer N.Y. 1886
Black bottom foxtrot Henderson, Ray Paul, Walter Harms Incorporated New York 1926
Black rose, The Valse-intermezzo from Scenes de Ballet Thomas, Ludomir Edward Schuberth & Co. 1904
Blacksmith rag foxtrot "Rednip" Cobb, George L. Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1920
Blackville society Cake Walk (Two Step) Franklin, Bernard Baer, Louis G.W. Setchell Boston, MA 1900
Blame it on the blues One or two step Cooke, Charles L. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1914
Blame it on the waltz waltz Kahn; Solman Polla, W. C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York & Detroit 1926
Blaze of glory march a trombone misunderstanding Alford, Harry; Jerome, Jen. M. Howley Haviland & Dresser. N.Y. & Chicago 1901
Blaze of glory! march & two step Holzmann, Abe Mackie, W. H. Leo Feist 134 W. 37th St., N.Y. 1910
Bleeding hearts (A Floral Poem) Levy, Sol P. Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. New York, NY 1918
Blinky-Winky foxtrot Chinoise Caddigan, Jack; Story, Chick Frank, Charles Caddigan & Story Boston, MA 1922
Blizzard A furioso Aborn, Morris Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1922
Blondy Herb Brown, Nacio Skinner, Frank Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. New York, NY 1929
Blossom-time Gavotte Weiser, Philipp The Arthur P. Schmidt Co. 1912
Blue Alstain mountains, The Held, Will P. Norman Jefferies 1924
Blue bonnet - you make me feel blue Fox - Trot Bryan, Alfred; Wendling, Pete; Richman, Harry Sisson, "Kenn" Irving Berlin, Inc. New York 1926
Blue danube waltz Strauss, Joh. Seredy, Julius S. Carl Fischer New York 1913
Blue danube waltz Strauss, Joh. Carl Fischer New York 1890
Blue devils (apline chasseurs) ; marche française Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. 701 7th Ave., N.Y.C. 1918
Blue feather Intermezzo two step Morse, Theodore Halle, R. L. Theodore Morse Music Co.
Blue grass Williams, Ernest S. Ernest S. Williams Boston, Mass. 1908
Blue Hawaii waltz Baer, Abel; Caesar, Irving; Schuster, Ira Grofe, Ferdie Leo. Feist, Inc. Feist Building, New York, U.S.A. 1929
Blue Hawaii waltz Baer, Abel; Schuster, Ira; Caesar, Irving Nussbaum, Joseph Leo Feist, Inc. Feist Building, New York 1929
Blue hoosier blues foxtrot Friend, Cliff; Meskill, Jack; Baerm Abel Barry, Frank E. Leo. Feist, Inc. New York 1923
Blue rose waltz Logan, Frederic Knight Barry, Frank E. Forster Music Publisher Inc. Chicago, Ill. 1917
Blue skies foxtrot Berlin, Irving Eastwood, Ted Irving Berlin, Inc. New York 1927
Blueberry Lane foxtrot Paley, Herman Nussbaum, Joseph Sam Fox Publishing Co. Cleveland 1928
Bluebird, The waltz Kummer, Clare Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York & Detroit 1916
Blues (my naughty sweetie gives to me) foxtrot Swanstone, Arthur N.; McCarron, Chas. R.; Morgan, Carey Kaplan, Dave Jos. W. Stern & Co. New York, NY 1919
Bluette Sanford, Harold The Boston Music Co. 1917
Blushing coquette Intermezzo Schendel, J. L. Aborn, Morris Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1921
Blushing rose, the Serenade Johnson, Chas. L. Alford, Harry L. Harold Rossiter Music Co. Chicago, IL 1911
Bombasto march Farrar, O. R. Carl Fischer New York 1898
Bonnie Novelty foxtrot Frey, Hugo Frey, Hugo Richmond-Robbins Inc. New York, NY 1923
Bonnie Blue's march Chambers, Paris Dumont, Adolphe Carl Fischer New York 1912
Bonnie, my highland lassie two-step Dillon, William A. O'Hare, W.C. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1908
Bonny Scotland Selection Lauder, Harry Mahl, Franz Emil Ascher New York, NY
Boola-Boo foxtrot Friml, Rudolf Kaplan, Dave G. Schirmer 1917
Boston commandery march onward christian soldiers Carter, T. M. E.C. Ramsdell Music Hall Building, Boston 1903
Bostonese two step Bagley Ernest S. Williams Boston, Mass. 1907
Bouncing Betty characteristic march & two step Balfour, Carl Lampe, J. Bodewalt F. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. Kansas City, Mo. 1906
Bow-wow One-Step Wadsworth, Wheeler Albert, Chas. Daniels & Wilson, Inc. San Francisco, CA 1919
Boy scout's parade march Johnson, Julius K. Koninsky Music Co. Troy, N.Y. 1908
Boys of the militia march Boehnlein, Victor G. Walter Jacobs Boston 1908
Breakaway foxtrot Conrad, Con; Mitchell, Sidney D.; Gottler, Archie Skinner, Frank De Sylva, Brown, and Henderson, Inc. New York, NY 1929
Breath of morn Valse Lente Kempinski, Leo. A. (Op. 17) Photo Play Music Co. New York, NY 1920
Breezin' along with the breeze foxtrot Gillespie; Simons; Whiting Skinner, Frank Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1926
Bridal blushes Schmidt, Johann C. Redfield, Wm. M. The Plaza Music Co. New York, NY 1925
Bridal chorus From "Lohengrin" Wagner, R. Tracy, Geo. L. Oliver Ditson Company Boston, Mass.
Bridal song Intermezzo from "Rural wedding" Goldmark, Karl Moses-Tobani, Theo. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1901
Bride-elect, the march Sousa, John Philip The John Church Company 1897
Bright college days march & two step Clement, Fred W. Raymond Music Co. Meriden, Conn. 1907
Bring back my love dreams foxtrot Grandei, Jacques Schulz, Wm. Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. New York 1920
Bring back the sunshine Moore, Thomas Polla, C. W. G. Ricordi & Co. Inc. New York, NY 1926
Bring me a rose Shisler, Charles Ager, Milton Kalmar Puck & Abrahams, Consolidated, Inc., Music Publishers New York, NY 1916
Bringin' home the bacon Bannister, Frank; Colwell, Lew; Van & Schenk Alford - Colby Hearst Music Publishers of Canada Ltf Winnipeg, Toronto 1924
Brise des nuits waltz Lamothe, G. Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York 1905
Broadway melody Herb Brown, Nacio Skinner, Frank Robbins Music Corporation New York, NY 1929
Broadway rose foxtrot Fried, Martin; Spencer, Otis Lange, Arthur Fred Fisher Inc. New York 1920
Broadway rose medley waltz West; Fried; Spencer; Fisher, Fred Schulz, [William] Fred Fisher, Inc. 224 W. 46th St., N.Y.C. 1920
Broken dreams of you Westphal, Frank; Crone, Saul; Chon, Nelson Alford. - Colby Hearst Music Publishers of Canada Ltd. 1924
Broken heart, a lament Schertzinger, Victor L. Photo Play Music Co. Inc. 1520 Broadway, NYC
Broken hearted melody waltz Jones, Isham Johnson, Chas. L. Forster Music Pub., Inc. Chicago, Ill. 1922
Broken hearted melody waltz Jones, Isham Johnson, Chas. L. Forster Music Pub., Inc. Chicago, Ill. 1922
Broken melody, The Intermezzo Van Biene, Auguste Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1916
Broken moon & ain't we got fun foxtrot Roberts, Lee S. McCabe, James C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York 1921
Brooke's Chicago marine band march Seitz, Roland F. Losey, F. H. R. F. Seitz Glen Rock, Pa. 1902
Brookfield, the Two-Step Cohan, George M. F.A. Mills New York, NY 1907
Brooklet Grieg, Edvard Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel N.Y. 1916
Brother Noah Two Step Sorensen, Lars The Jos. Morris Co. 1907
Brown eyes.. why are you blue? foxtrot Meyer, Geo. M. Lange, Arthur Henry Waterson Inc. New york 1925
Brown eyes..why are you blue? foxtrot Meyer, Geo. W. Lange, Arthur Henry Waterson Inc. New York 1925
Brown eyes..why are you blue? foxtrot Meyer, Geo. W. Lange, Arthur; Bryan, Al, lyricist Henry Waterson Inc. New York, NY 1925
Brownie's story, the Reverie Faber, Jean The John Church Company USA 1918
Brunette or blonde waltz Waldteufel, Emil Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York 1907
Budding spring Platzmann, Eugene Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. New York, NY 1919
Buddy Frisch, Billy Eastwood, Ted Mack Stark & Ruby Cowan, Inc. New York, NY 1920
Buenos Ayres Tango Green, Harry N. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1913
Buffalo gals
Bugle call rag foxtrot Blacke, J. Hubert; Morgan, Carey Onivas, D. Jos.W.Stern & Co. New York 1916
Bull frogs' dance, the Caprice Stults, R.M. Sorensen, Lars Jos. Morris Co 1906
Bunch o' blackberries Cake walk (two step) Holzmann, Abe Mackie, W.H. Feist & Frankenthaler New York, NY 1899
Bunch of favorites, a medley overture Beyer, F. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1896
Bunches of joy march Clement, Fred W. Raymond Music Co. Meriden, Conn. 1908
Burgundy foxtrot Malle, Tommie; Steiger, Jimmie; Richman, Harry Polla, W. C. Frank Clark, Inc. Music Pub. Co. New York 1926
Burning sands Oriental foxtrot Onivas, D. Onivas, D. Richmond-Robbins, Inc. New York 1922
Burning sands Oriental foxtrot Onivas, D. Meskill, Jack, lyrics. Richmond-Robbins, Inc. New York, NY 1922
Busy bee, The Morceau Characteristique Bendix, Theo. M. Witmark and Sons New York, NY 1899
But I do- you know I do foxtrot Kahn, Gus; Donaldson, Walter Sisson, J. "Kenn" Irving Berlin Inc. New York 1926
Butterfly a Fantasy Densmore, J.H. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer New York, NY 1916
Butterfly dance Allegretto leggiero Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York, NY 1919
Butterfly's madrigal, the Valse Caprice Baron, Maurice Belwin Inc. New York, NY 1924
Butterfly, the Morceau characteristic Bendix, Theo. Bates & Bendix Boston
Butterfly; Erotic Grieg, E. Walter Jacobs, Inc. Boston
Button up your overcoat foxtrot / from the musical comedy "Follow Thru" De Sylva, B. G.; Brown, Lew; Henderson, Ray Skinner, Frank De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc. New York, NY 1928
By gone days Waltz Waldteufel, E. Carl Fischer New York, NY
By my fireside Rice, Gitz Chappell Harms Inc. New York, NY 1925
By the light of the silvery moon Barn dance Edwards & Smith Danmark, Ribe Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1909
By the mill-stream (From "Autumn Sketches" by Wilson G. Smith) Smith, Wilson G. Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1912
By the old Ohio shore Waltz Earl, Mary Briegel, Geo. F. Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. New York, NY 1921
By the waters of Minnetonka/Sad moon of falling leaf An Indian Love Song ("By the Waters") Lieurance, Thurlow (both) Roberts, Chas. J. (both) Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
By-gone days Reverie Pintel, Jacques Aborn, Morris Belwin Inc. New York, NY 1922
Bye bye blackbird foxtrot Dixon; Henderson Skinner, Frank Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1925
Bye bye blues foxtrot Hamm, Fred; Bennett, Dave; Lown, Bert; Gray, Chauncey Lay, Ward A. Irving Berlin, Inc. New York 1930
Bye-bye, dear old Broadway Edwards, Gus Gus Edwards Music Publishing Co. New York, NY 1907
Bygones An Autumn Romance Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Richmond-Robbins, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Byzantine march Ganne, Louis Matthews, Geo. T. The Cundy - Bettoney Co. Boston, Mass. 1911
Bérébé polka - diapason universale Burgmeir, J. Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York 1902
C'est vous waltz Greenberg, Abner; Silver, Abner; Richman, Harry Eastwood, Ted Irving Berlin, Inc. 1607 Broadway, N.Y.C. 1927
Ca Veeda Castillian foxtrot Alden, John Lange, Arthur Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1920
Cadiz march Chueca; Valverde Hawkes & Son Denman St., Piccadilly Circus, London, W. 1 1906
Cajolerie Morceau de Danse Jackson, Ralph c. Hosmer, Lucius G. Schirmer New York, NY 1905
Calif of Bagdad, the Overture Boieldieu, A. Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1912
California foxtrot Fried, Cliff; Conrad, Con McCabe, James C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY 1922
California here I come foxtrot Jolson, Al; De Sylva, Bud; Meyer, Joseph Katzman, Louis M. Witmark & Sons New York 1924
Call me back, pal o'mine concert waltz arrangement Dixon, Harold Dixon-Lane Music Pub. Co. Suite 300, 177 N. State Str., Chicago 1923
Call of America march & two-step von der Mehden, Jr., J. Louis Carl Fischer New York 1911
Calvary charge Luders, Gustav John Church Co.
Camel walk, the foxtrot Schafer, Bob; Smith, Chris; Mack, Cecil; Brymn, Tim Katzman, Louis Broadway Music Corporation New York 1925
Camenella Spanish Romance Polla, William C.C. Church & Co. Hartford, CT 1920
Camouflage/Don't try to steal the sweetheart of a soldier One step/One step march Lampe, J. Bodewalt (Camouflage); Van & Schenck (Don't Try To Steal) McCabe, James C. (Don't Try To Steal) Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1917
Campus capers Broones, Martin Skinner, Frank Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp. New York, NY 1929
Campus memories Selection of college songs Seredy, Julius S.; Tocaben, Louis Carl Fischer New York, NY
Can you bring back the heart I gave you waltz Johnson, Chas. L. McNiel, Charles Forster Music Pub., Inc. Chicago 1924
Can you pay for a broken heart Harris, Chas. K. Chas K. Harris N.Y. 1915
Can't Stop (One or Two Step) Washington, Pete Edward Schuberth & Co. New York, NY 1913
Can't yo' heah me callin' Roma, Caro M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1914
Canadian capers foxtrot Chandler, Gus; White, Bert; Cohen, Henry Barry, Frank E. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1921
Canaries, the Klein, Manuel Thomas, Ludomir M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1909
Cannibal carnival, a danse barbarique Levy, Sol P. Belwin, Inc. New York 1920
Canoeing idyl Pryor, Arthur Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York 1912
Canozetta d'Ambrosio, A. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1911
Canzone Gabriel-Marie; Ourdine, Hans L. Philippo Paris 1924
Canzonetta Godard, Benjamin Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Ficsher New York
Canzonetta Nicode, J. L. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1911
Canzonetta Hollaender, Gustav Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1918
Canzonetta Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto G. Schirmer, Inc. New York, NY 1917
Canzonetta/Crescendo Schuett, E. ("Canzonetta"); Lasson, Per ("Crescendo") Tobani, Theo. M. (both) Carl Fischer New York, NY 1909
Caper Sauce One or Two-Step Macklin, Cecil Henri, Jacques Edward Schuberth & Co. New York, NY 1914
Caprice for Pleasantry and Cajolery Somerville, Reginald Hawkes & Son London, UK 1924
Caprice joyeux Seeligson, Edwina Aborn, Morris Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1921
Capricietta Varley, Irene Aborn, Morris Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1920
Captain cupid Bratton, John W. Salzer, Gustave Carl Fischer New York
Car-barlick-Acid Two Step-Cake Walk Weley, Clarence Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1907
Carissima waltz Penn, Arthur A. Langey, Otto M. Witmark & Sons N.Y. 1907
Carmen sylva waltz Ivanovici Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer New York 1916
Carmencita Morceau Caracteristique Hackh, Otto (Op. 54) Hirschfeld, Max Edward Schuberth & Co. New York, NY 1912
Carmencita A Spanish divertissement George, Emmett Geo. E. Moody New York, NY 1906
Carnaval des papillons Intermezzo-caprice Shelley, Harry Rowe Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1921
Carnival Suite of Five Dances Ring, Montague Higgs, H.M. Chappell & Co. Ltd. London, UK 1924
Carnival grotesque For clowns, villagers, peasants or fantastic gatherings Savino, Domenico G. Schirmer Inc. 1923
Carolina in the morning foxtrot Donaldson, Walter Jergensen, Sophus Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1922
Carolina in the morning Novelty foxtrot Donaldson, Walter Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY, Detroit, MI 1922
Carolina in the morning foxtrot Donaldson, Walter Jergensen, Sophus Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1922
Carolina lullaby Hirsch, Walter; Panella, Louis Harrison Music Co., Inc. 456 W. Larned St., Detroit, Mich. 1921
Carolina mammy foxtrot James, Billy Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Carolina mine your rolling stone - is rolling home ; waltz Friend, Cliff; Rosoff, Charles Creager, Willie Irving Berlin, Inc. 1607 B'way, N.Y. 1926
Carolina moon waltz Davis, Benny; Burke, Joe Haring, Bob Joe Morris Music Co. 1587 Broadway, N.Y.C. 1928
Carolina sunshine Waltz Schmidt, Erwin R. Polla Harry von Tilzer Music Pub. Co. New York, NY 1919
Carry me back to my Carolina home foxtrot Davis, Benny; Silver, Abner Katzman, Louis M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1922
Carry me back to old virginny Song and Chorus Bland, James Oliver Ditson Company Boston, MA 1906
Castellano Frantzen, Henry Danks, S. Horiland Music Pub. Co. 125 37th Str., N.Y. 1911
Castles in Spain One Step a l'Espagnol Edwards, Leo Lange, Arthur McCarthy & Fisher, Inc. New York, NY 1919
Castles in the air (Schlosser, die im Monde liegen) Lincke, Paul Joseph W. Stern & Co. New York, NY 1907
Cavalry parade, no. 4 For military scenes Andino, J. E. S. M. Berg Columbia Theatre Bldg., New York 1916
Cavatina Baron, Maurice Belwin Inc. NYC
Cavatina Raff, J. Puerner, Chas. Carl Fischer New York
Cavatina Bohm, Carl Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel NY
Cecile waltz McKee, Frank W. G. Ricordi & Co. Inc. 14 E. 43rd St., N.Y. 1914
Celtic Overture St. Clair, Floyd J. H.N. White Cleveland, OH 1903
Chacone/Salut d'amour Durand, Aug. ("Chacone"); Elgar, Edward ("Salut d'amour") Roth, Alfred (both) Carl Fischer New York, NY 1901
Chambre separée waltz intermezzo Heuberger, Rich. Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York 1907
Champagne polka Ehrke, Reinh Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York 1905
Chanson du coeur brise The Song of Songs (Melodie) Moya DuFault, Philipp Chappell & Co., Ltd 1914
Chanson du coeur brise The Song of Songs (Melodie) Moya DuFault, Philipp Chappell & Co. Ltd. London, UK 1914
Chanson melancholique Collinge, Patricia Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. NY
Chansonnette foxtrot / song Friml, Rudolph Polla, W.C. G. Schirmer, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Chant d'amour Frommel, H. C. Aborn, Morris Belwin Inc. New York 1921
Chant erotique Bergé, Irénée Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. NYC
Chant sans paroles Leigh, Norman Hildreth, R. E. Walter Jacobs, Inc. Boston 1922
Chantilly waltz Waldteufel, E. Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York 1913
Charlatan selection, the Sousa The John Church Company
Charleston foxtrot Mack, Cecil; Johnson, Jimmy Paul, Walter Harms Incorporated New York 1923
Charleston cabin foxtrot (melancholy) Reber, Roy Kaplan, Dave Edw. B. Marks Music Co. New York, NY 1924
Charley my boy Kahn, Gus; Fiorito, Ted Irving Berlin, Inc. New York, NY 1924
Charley, my boy foxtrot Kahn, Gus; Fiorito, Ted Huffer, Fred K. Irving Berlin Inc. New York
Charmaine Rapee, Erno; Pollack, Lew Klickmann, F. Henri Belwin, Inc. N.Y.C. 1926
Charmante aventure Bosc., Auguste A. Bosc Editeur 8 rue Roechechouard
Charme d'amour (love's spell) Valse Lento Kendall, Edwin F. McCabe, J.C. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1908
Charmer, the waltzes Witmark, Frank M. Anderson, Hilding M. Witmark & Sons N.Y. 1902
Charmeuse waltzes Eugene, Max C. Borgman, Chas. T. B. Harms & Co. 18 East 22nd Street, New York 1902
Charming valse Joyce, Archibald Leo Feist, Inc. New York 1914
Charmion's swing waltzes Maurice, Louie Howley Haviland & Co. N.Y. 1898
Chatter-box, the March & Two Step Zita, R. Anthony Lampe, J. Bodewalt H.M. Denton New York, NY 1906
Cheerie-beerie be Waltz Wayne, Mabel Barry, Frank; Young, lyricist; Lewis, lyricist Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1927
Cherie foxtrot Bibo, Irving Barry, Frank E. Leo Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1921
Cherie, I love you cherie, je t'aime Goodman, Lillian Rosedale Grant, Chas N. Harms Inc. N.Y. 1926
Cherokee Edwards, Leo Evans, Everett J. Gus Edwards Mus. Pub. Co. Broadway NYC
Cherry Intermezzo Albert, L. Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. Detroit, MI 1906
Cherry blossom Fleur de cerisier kirchblüte romancette Marling, H. Jehin, F. Cincaf Music Co. 1923
Chevaliers's coster songs Popular selection Godfrey, Chas.
Chicago foxtrot Fisher, Fred Terry, Lee Fred Fisher, Inc New York 1922
Chicken reel Two step and buck dance Daly, Jos. M. Foley, M.L. Walter Jacobs Boston, MA 1910
Chicken reel Two Step Daly, Jos. M. Jos. M. Daly Boston, MA 1910
Chief executive, the march and two-step Heagney, William Redfield, [William] M. The Leveen Music Pub. Co. 51 W. 28th St., N.Y. 1907
Child in distress-intense suffering Sick-bed scene Grieg, Edvard Roberts Carl Fischer New York, NY 1924
Child's dreams Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York
Childhood visions Starnes, Percy J. G. Ricordi & Co. Inc. 14 E. 43rd St. NY
Childish pranks-planning mischief/ Grief-lament-pathetic Practical Jokes ("Childish") Delibes ("Childish"); Dvorak ("Grief") Roberts (both) Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Children's party-animated cartoons General Merriment Delibes Roberts Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Childrens Games Two-Step Medley Ascher, Emil Emil Ascher New York, NY 1907
Chili Bean foxtrot or One Step Bon Tilzer, Albert Eastwood, Ted Broadway Music Corp. New York 1920
Chili Bom Bom foxtrot Friend, Cliff; Donaldson, Walter Helm, Mornay D. Irving Berlin Inc. New York 1923
Chimes of Normandy One Step Bryan-Wells; Friendland, Gilbert Gilbert & Friedland, Inc. New York, NY 1917
Chimes, the Reverie Armstrong, Harry O'Hare, W.C. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1912
Chimney corner danse grotesque Eno, Paul Walter Jacobs Boston 1919
Chinese blues foxtrot Moore & Gardner Huffer, Fred K. Tell Taylor Chicago, IL
Chinese patrol Fliege, H. Lake, M.L. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1921
Chinese suite, no. 2: to a lotus flower Rêverie Bergé, Irénée Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York, NY
Chinese wedding procession Hosmer, Lucius Carl Fischer New York 1912
Chinese-Japanese Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1918
Ching A Ling A Loo March & Two Step Hoffmann, Max Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. New York, NY 1903
Ching chang/Radetzky march Chinese Galop ("Ching Chang") Strauss, Johann (Radetzky March) Brooks, E. (Ching Chang) Carl Fischer New York, NY 1890
Chink A Mongolian foxtrot Polla, W. C. W. C. Polla 1925
Chinky butterfly foxtrot Rose, Billy; David, Lee Lange, Arthur Irving Berlin, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Chinoiserie Chinese chit-chat Godard, B. Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel New York NY 1925
Chiquita waltz Gilbert, L. Wolfe; Wayne, Mabel Nussbaum, Joseph Leo Feist, Inc. Feist Building, New York 1928
Chlo-e Kahn, Gus; Moret, Neil Skinner, Frank Villa Morét San Francisco 1927
Chorda septimus march Reeves, D. W. Harry Coleman Philadelphia, Pa. 1894
Christmas chimes Reverie Vandersloot, F. W. Losey, F. H. Vandersloot Music Pub. Co. Williamsport, PA
Chu-Chu-San A Japanese foxtrot Samuels, Jos. Zamecnik, J.S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland OH 1919
Chérie, I love you Waltz Goodman, Lillian Rosedale Paul, Walter Harms, Incorporated New York, NY 1926
Cinderella Powerll, W. C. Langey, Otto Victor Kremer Co. 1906
Cinderella An intermezzo Loraine, William O'Hare, W. C. M. Witmark & Sons NY
Cinderella's bridal procession Characteristic Dicker, S. Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York
Cinema Entr'acte Winne, Jesse M. von der Mehden, Jr., J. Louis G. Ricordi & Co., Inc. New York, NY 1915
Circus day in Dixie/Blame it on the blues One Step-March/One or Two Step Gumble, Albert (Circus Day In Dixie); Cooke, Chas. L. (Blame It On The Blues) Danmark, Ribe (Circus Day In Dixie) Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1915
Ciribiribin Waltz Pestalozza, A. Roberts, Chas. J. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1909
Civilization Peace march Schertzinger, Victor Smith, Lee Orean Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1916
Clair de lune Thomé, F. Moses-Tobani, Theo.; Seredy, J. S. Carl Fischer New York 1921
Clap hands! foxtrot Meyer, Joseph Lange, Arthur Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc. New York 1925
Clarabelle Schottische or Barn Dance Grabbe, Lee B. Emmett & Johns Pub. Chicago, IL 1908
Clarinet marmalade foxtrot Shields, Harry; Ragas, HW Moore, Billy Leo.Feist,Inc. New York 1919
Class colors professional march Hoppin, Stuart B. C. C. Birchard & Company 1927
Clef club march Europe, James Reese F. B. Haviland Pub. Co., Inc. 125 W. 37th St., N.Y. 1910
Clementine As Recorded On Brunswick Record No.2730 Brown, Nacio Herb Rose, Gene Leo. Feist, Inc. New York
Cleopatra/I want you to want me with you One Step March Tierney, Harry McCabe, James C. Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1917
Climbing the stairs (Into your heart) foxtrot Bibo, Irving Bleyer, Archie Bibo-Lang, Inc. New York 1929
Cloister-chimes Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer New York, NY 1919
Close your eyes and make believe it's me foxtrot Monaco, Jimmie Bleyer, Archie Donaldson, Douglas, & Gumble, Inc. New York 1929
Cloud king, the march Smythe, Vernon Whiting, W. K. The Cundy - Bettoney Co. Boston, Mass. 1910
Clover land Intermezzo Wenrich, Percy Wenrich-Howard Co. 1416 Broadway NY
Co-ed march - two step Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, Ohio 1914
Coal black mammy foxtrot Cliff, Laddie; St. Helier, Ivy Schulz, William Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Coal black mammy foxtrot Helier, Ivy St. Bany, Frank, E. Leo.Feist, Inc. New York
Cocheco An Alaskan Love Dance Reeves, Ernest Lotter, Adolf Hawkes & Sons. London, UK 1909
Coeur brise (the broken heart) Valse lente Pietromarchi, Antonio Langey, Otto G. Schirmer New York, NY 1905
Col Wellington's march Reeves, D. W. Carl Fischer N.Y. 1888
Col. Roosevelt's rough riders marche caracteristique L. P. Laurendeau Carl Fischer New York 1898
Colleen o'mine waltz McDonald, Gerald Klickmann, F. Henri J. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. Kansas City, Mo. 1920
Colleen o'mine Waltz McDonald, Gerald Klickmann, F. Henri J.W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. Kansas City, MO 1919
College boys march - two step Mahony, Ed. C. Fleming, A. T. G. W. Setchell 496 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 1907
College chaps march - two step Frantzen, Henry Grant, Charles N. F. B. Haviland Pub. Co. Inc. 125 W. 37th St., N.Y. 1912
College life A selection of American student songs Hinrichs, Gustav G. Schirmer New York, NY 1912
College yell march two step Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Publishing Co. Cleveland, Ohio 1908
Collegiate Novelty foxtrot Jaffe, Moe; Bonx, Nat Lange, Arthur Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. Cor. New York, NY 1925
Collegiate Sam foxtrot Davis, Benny; Coots, J. Fred Skinner, Frank Davis Coots & Engel Inc. New York 1929
Colonel Bogey march - one - step Alford, Kenneth J. Hawkes & Son 1916
Colorado waltz Hirsch, Walter; Dellon, Harold Moquin, Al. Edw. B. Marks Music Co. 225 West 46th St., New York 1924
Colorado waltz Hirsch, Walter; Dellon, Harold Moquin, Al. Edw. B. Marks Music Co. 225 W. 46th St., N.Y.C. 1924
Columbian exposition waltz Herman, Andrew Carl Fischer New York 1893
Come and whisper dear foxtrot Powell, Harold; Keeton, W. Elmer Powell, H. A. J. W. Jenkins' Sons Music Co. Kansas City, Mo. 1924
Comedy allegro One Step Haines, Herbert E. Hawkes & Son London, UK 1922
Comedy allegro Berg, S. M; Levy, Sol P. Belwin Inc. 701 7th Ave., NYC 1918
Comedy Tom march King, Gus Will Rossiter Chicago, IL 1917
Comet Rag Two Step Mahony, Ed. C. Losey, F.H. Jos. M. Daly Boston, MA 1911
Comical-Frolicking Children Karganoff Roberts Carl Fischer Inc. New York, NY 1924
Coming from a party Tilander, Eric Brown, Potter 1925
Comrades of the legion march Sousa, John Philip Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. 1920
Comrades/ Curse of an aching heart, the/ When you and I were young, Maggie Held, Will P. (Comrades) Leo Feist, Inc. (copyright - The Curse of an Aching Heart), Oliver Ditson Co. (copyright - When You and I were Young, Maggie), Norman Jefferies (whole arrangement) 1923
Conciliator march, the Scouton, W. H. Lyon & Healy 1903
Conclave march Losey, F. H. Carl Fischer New York 1907
Confession, the Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Publiching Co. Cleveland, Ohio
Confidence waltz Waldteufel, E. Carl Fischer New York 1888
Congratulations foxtrot Pinkard; Goetz; Green, Bud; Stept, Sam H. McKay, Art Green & Stept, Inc. New York, NY 1929
Conquerer, the march Boehme, J. G. D. Muller New York 1899
Conqueror, the march Corey, W. A. Clarke, Herbert L.
Consolation, no. 3 Liszt, Franz Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1925
Conspiracy Zamecnik, J. S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, Ohio
Conspiracy Undercurrent, plotters meeting, uprising, treason Savino, Domenico G. Schirmer, Inc. 1923
Conspirators, the Santos, J. Belwin Inc. New York, NY 1920
Constance Theme and Romance Golden, Earnest S. Photo Play Music Co. New York, NY 1919
Consuelo valse Williams, Warwick J. B. Cramer & Co. 1896
Convent echoes Waltz Tuorp, H. Moses-Tobani, Theo. Carl Fischer New York
Convent echoes waltz Tuorp, H. Moses-Tobani, Theo. Carl Fischer New York 1890
Convention city march Allen, Thos. S. Walter Jacobs Boston 1907
Conversational Noyes, Frederic Hawkes & Son London, UK & Paris, France 1922
Copenhagen Davis, Charley Melrose Bros. Music Co. Chicago, IL 1934
Coquetterie waltz Waldteufel, E. New York Music Publishing Co.
Cora Waltz Bemrose, Arthur Sanford, Harold Phillips & Page Boston, MA 1916
Cordova Spanish Dance Luscomb, Fred Luscomb, Fred M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1909
Corncracker dance, the Characteristic - schottische - caprice Meacham, F.W. Recker, Robert Leo Feist New York, NY 1904
Cornfield capers a hayseed march and two step von Tilzer, Harry Evans, Everett J. Harry von Tilzer Music Pub. Co. 37 W. 28th St., N.Y. 1904
Coronation march Kretschmer, E. Tobani, Theo. M. Carl Fischer New York, NY 1885
Cortege for sad and processional scenes Rapee, Erno; Axt, William Richmond-Robbins Inc. New York, NY 1923
Cosette March-Two Step (Parisian Novelty) McDonald, Jean Brewer, R.B. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1907
Country dance Nevin, Ethelbert Strube, Gustav G. Schirmer Jr. New York, NY 1901
Country dance - frolic - jubilation Gluck, Christoph Roberts Carl Fischer New York, NY 1924
Country dance - peasant dance Brollops March Sodermann, August Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York, NY 1901
Country Kerry Mary waltz Pease, Harry; Nelson, Ed. G. Bial, Ernst A. J. Stasny Music Co. 56 W. 45th St., N.Y.C. 1921
Court jester, the march & two step Smith, Lee Orean Vandersloot Music Co. 41 West 28th St., N.Y. 1901
Covered wagon days foxtrot Morrissey, Will; Burrowes, Joe Lange, Arthur Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. New York 1923
Cow bells Piantadosi, Al. Eastwood, Ted Broadway Music Corporation New York 1922
Cowboys patrol Buffington, Edward Larusson, H. C. C. Pillsbury Co. Minneapolis, Minn.
Cradle song Wiegenlied Bach, Chr. Edward Schuberth & Co. 1912
Craft spy, the Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg New York, NY 1918
Crafty spy, the Borch, Gaston S. M. Berg New York, NY 1918
Craving foxtrot Bernie, Ben; Charig, Philip; Casey, Kenneth Sisson, S. Kenn Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, Detroit 1925
Crazy bone rag Johnson, Chas L. Forster Music Publisher Chicago 1908
Creepy a skeleton jazz Breau, Louis; Hoff, Fred; Stevenson, E. Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1922
Creepy creeps Misterioso Borch, Gaston Belwin, Inc. New York, NY 1922
Crescent queen march Losey, F. H. Carl Fischer New York 1901
Crimson and blue waltz Knight, Launce Oliver Ditson Company Boston, Mass. 1894
Crinoline days foxtrot Berlin, Irving Helm, Mornay D. Irving Berlin, Inc. New York 1922
Crooning Novelty foxtrot Song Caesar, William F. Trinkaus, Geo. J. M. Witmark & Sons New York 1921
Cross words foxtrot Heagney, Billy; Reed, Bert Katzman, Louis Broadway Music Corp. New York 1925
Cross your heart foxtrot Gensler, Lewis E. Paul, Walter Harms, Inc. New York 1926
Cruiser Harvard march Strube, Gustav Samuel Manus & Co. Music Publishers 218 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 1908
Crusader march, the Sousa, John Philip Henneberg, Paul Carl Fischer New York 1912
Crying for you foxtrot Miller, Ned; Cohn, Chester Schulz, William Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Cubaino Mazurka characteristic Morris, S. E. Cundy Music Co. Boston, MA 1899
Cuban dance characteristic Luscomb, Fred Carl Fischer New York 1905
Cuban independence march Henninger, C. D. Smith, Lee Orean Vandersloot Music Co. 41 West 28th St., N.Y. 1898
Cubanola Glide Medley Overture von Tilzer, Harry Evans, Everett J. Harry von Tilzer Music Pub. Co. New York, NY 1909
Cuckoo march, the Tillman, Harry Harry Tillman & Co. 1293 Broadway, N.Y. 1899
Cuddle me foxtrot Sherman, Al; Coslaw, Sam Terry, Lee Shapiro, Bernstein Co. Inc. Cor. New York, NY 1922
Cup hunters One Step Lenzberg, Julius Jerome H. Remick & Co. New York, NY & Detroit, MI 1915
Cup o' tea & Tommy Atkins, a two step Friml, Rudolf Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1912
Cup of bitterness Zamecnik, J.S. Sam Fox Pub. Co. Cleveland, OH 1925
Cup of coffee, a sandwich and you, a foxtrot Meyer, Joseph Paul, Walter Harms, Incorporated New York 1925
Cupid does not marry/ Burgomaster, the Waltz/Schottische Luders, Gustav (both) Mackie, W.H. (both) M.Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1901
Cupid's caress Valse Lente Roberts, Charles J. Roberts, Charles J. M. Witmark & Sons New York, NY 1909
Cupid's dream Waltzes Crosby, Warner J.W. Pepper Philadelphia
Cupid's garden Intermezzo Eugene, Max C. T. B. Harms & Co. 18 East 22nd St. NY
Cupid's tangle Tango-two step Swope, Howard Whitney Howard Whitney Swope Greenville, OH 1913
Cut yourself a piece of cake foxtrot James, Billy Barry, Frank E.; Morse, Theodore Leo. Feist, Inc. New York, NY 1923
Cy and Sue Barn Dance Morse, Theo Halle, R.L. F.B. Haviland Pub. Co. New York, NY 1908
Cynical scherzando Depicting a scheming cynical character Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. New York, NY 1925
Czárdás from L. Grossman's opera: "Der Geist des Wojewoden." Grossman, L. Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer New York, NY 1904
Dainty drums A novelette Blake, Charolette Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co. Detroit-New York
Daisies From the floral suite-C Bendix, Theo M. Witmark & Sons NY
Daisy bell Held, Will P. Norman Jefferies 1923
Daisy days Song foxtrot Kahn, Gus; Blaufuss, Walter; Cooke, Chas. L. Jerome H. Remick & Co. Detroit, MI 1921
