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Princeton University Order Division Documentation
Order Maintenance


Cancel/Redirect Policy

Price Confirmations
  Confirming/Canceling the Order

Serials Cancellations

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Price confirmations


4. Confirming/Canceling  the order

a. Notifying the vendor:

Return the query to the vendor indicating that the price is confirmed, or that order is canceled. Include your initials and the date.  The query should be returned in whatever form it originally came in:

Print query – Return via the mail basket
E-mail – return e-mail using the Reply option
Fax – mark the fax and give to the secretaries.

b.  Marking Voyager

For a confirmation, in Acquisitions mark the line item note to indicate the date that the order was confirmed.

For a cancellation, in Acquisitions mark the line item note to indicate the date that the order was cancelled. 

 In Voyager Cataloging, check the hierarchy display. If this is the only copy, suppress the bibliographic record from the OPAC.  If there is more than one copy, suppress the Mfhd for the order rather than the Bibliographic record.

Also, in the Mfhd 852 put in |xorder canceled.following the location.  Give the citation to a supervisor to cancel the order and be sure to indicate that the cancellation letter should not be mailed.

[Price Confirmations]  [Confirming/Canceling the Order]