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Princeton University Order Division Documentation

Notations on Order Recommendations

Preorder Searching
  RLIN verification

RLIN Searching Summary

Search and Order Guidelines
  Collection Manager orders

Searching for Invoices in Acquisitions
  Complex Searching

Searching for Orders in Acquisitions
  Complex Searching

Searching RLIN for Music

Searching Tips

Series Checks in Voyager
  Monographic Series
  View Items
  Appendix A
  Appendix B

Series Checks in Voyager Checklist

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Blackwell's Collection Manager Citations

Guidelines for selectors

1. Collection Manager is most efficient when you use it as a tool for requesting titles that have been sent to you as electronic form selections.

It is still efficient, although less so, if you mark other current or forthcoming titles which have not been sent to you as form selections. This is due to the necessary checking against approval plan profiles that takes place prior to ordering.

2. It is not efficient to use Collection Manager to request titles that need explanatory notes (called "internal notes" in CM). Such notes are not extracted in the format we use to pull information out of Collection Manager. Thus, it is not a tool for ordering replacements, added copies, or titles listed with volume numbers. Nor is it appropriate for placing a rush order, as requests are not harvested on a daily basis.

These can be most quickly ordered by sending an email to Order Division, preferably including the Bibliographic ID number with fund information.

If you wish to tag a form selection with an "internal note", such as "give to circ for..." "not to circulate", etc., you can easily save the request as an HTML file or text file. In the pop-up request window, go to the File menu at the top of the request, choose Save As and give it a file name. Then email it as an attachment to Order Division.

3. The listing of a title in Collection Manager does not mean that it is in stock, or even in print. Any older titles selected are processed using the full search procedure which takes much longer than the search and order procedure used for current titles.

RLIN or OCLC is a better tool for requesting such titles, and screen shots may be emailed to Order Division to request the titles.

If you wish to use CM to request these titles, please notify Carol Fagundus ahead of time to clear any current titles out of the request queue. This will allow for rapid ordering of the current titles, and special treatment of the retrospective titles.

Tips for selectors

Some titles have an Editions link following the Detail link in the citation.

Clicking on the Editions link will show information on other editions treated by Blackwells.

In this case the Univ. of Pennsylvania Press edition is being supplied.

Titles which have been supplied on approval by Blackwell's display with a blue B box .

Do NOT request added copies or replacements using Collection Manager or they will be returned to you as "Haves".

Titles which have been ordered from Blackwell's display with a blue O in a white box.

Do NOT request added copies or replacements using Collection Manager or they will be returned to you as "Haves".