What is HathiTrust?

Users of the Princeton University Library may have heard the name HathiTrust floating around or have read about it. It began in 2008 as a partnership between the CIC, or Committee on Institutional Cooperation (“Big Ten” Libraries+), and the University of California. The HathiTrust Digital Library is a digital repository based at the University of Michigan to include library content scanned by Google in its Google Books Library Project, as well as content from the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and contributions from member institutions and others. Princeton University Library was a contributor both to the Google project—out-of-copyright material only, and then based on certain criteria established by Google—and is a partner library of HathiTrust. The digital library is available via http://www.hathitrust.org/ , and if one selects Princeton in the list of institutions, some content is downloadable. The partnership aims to provide access to more content than that available via Google Books.