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Princeton University Order Division Documentation

Fiscal Year Calendars

Credit Card Invoices

Sorting and Filing

Inputting Details and Adjustments

Deposit Account Invoices

Monographic Invoices
  Create New Record
  Check Price

Processing Approval Invoices

Processing Invoices and Vouchers

Processing Prepays

Processing Returns Letters

Teaching Award Closing

RWI Form (MS Word)

Searching Acquisitions for Invoices
  Complex Search


EDI Firm Order Invoices

Documentation Home

On Base Invoice Scanning and Storage system

OnBase is the archival system used to store scanned copies of invoices for library book fund purchases. Both print and EDI invoices are scanned into the system and indexed by vendor, invoice date, invoice number and Voyager voucher ID number (once the invoice is paid.)

OnBase reflects the invoice in its original state and does not reflect deductions or changes to the invoice. Voyager remains the system of record for book fund invoice payments that have actually been made.

Access to OnBase via the web (Internet Explorer only)
Scanning procedure
Preparing EDI files for scanning
Importing EDI invoices for scanning
Scanning settings
Scanning FAQs
Scanner User Guide (PDF file)