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Princeton University Order Division Documentation

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Processing Approval Invoices

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Processing Returns Letters

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Processing Returns Letters


1. Invoice unit staff create the invoice and mark the line according to procedure Processing Invoices with Deductions.

2. Supervisor or designated staff person generates returns letter

Multiple returns to the same vendor code:

Go to the Problems icon in Order Maintenance and search for the returns to be processed. An easy way to do this is to search for a combination of mark reason and vendor code. Highlight the line for each title to be returned and click on Generate return. The returns letter will print the next time notices are printed.

Single returns:

On the invoice, highlight the line and click on Details. Go to the Problems tab. Highlight the line and click on Generate Return.

3. Supervisor or other designated personnel prints returns letter.

Runs Reporter and processes Notices only.  

For approval plan returns follow the approval returns shipping procedure.

[Processing Returns Letters]  [Procedure]   [Shipping returns]