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Princeton University Order Division Documentation

Attaching a Component

Continuations Check In
  Verify Cat Record
  Check In/Mark Piece
  Add to Cat Record
  Finish Up

First Piece Check In
  New Order

MCS Check In
  Cataloging Record

Continuations Check In Tips

Periodical Check In
  Check In Procedure
  Tips and Hints

Serials Cancellations

Serials Claims

Series Checks in Voyager

Serials Processing Policies
  Holdings Information

Title Changes
  Acquisitions Module
  Finishing up

Vendor Reports for Serials

Documentation Home

Periodical Check-in

Tasks performed during periodical check-in include setting up components and patters if necessary, and checking in the issues in hand using these patterns . A component describes the pattern of publication of a given title and allows you to check in the issues one by one.

Getting started

You'll need to have at least 3 windows open:

  1. OPAC (Netscape view—for current issues information and to check your work to make sure purchase orders are attached to the correct holdings location)

  2. Voyager Acquisitions

  3. Voyager Cataloging

Also, remember that everything we do unless specifically suppressed is displayed in the OPAC immediately after it is done—check in must be consistent and correct!

[Periodical Check In - Getting Started]  [Check In Procedure]  [Tips & Hints]