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RLIN21 Documentation

Approvals Soup to Nuts Training
  Acquisitions Module
  Faster Method
  PO Defaults
  Approval Vendors

Approval training checklist

Continuations Training
  Check Acq. Record
  Check Cat. Record
  Check In Item
  Add the Piece
  Add continued

Intro to Acq Production Staff
  Buttons & Icons
  Defaults & Prefs.
    Approve Processing
    Item Creation
  Interpreting PO

Intro to Acq Production Staff Handout
  Buttons & Icons
    Line Items
    Approve Processing
    Item Creation
  Interpret PO

Monographic Receipts
  Find Order
  Check Order
  Receive Order
  Finishing Up

Periodicals Check In
  Acquisitions Module
  Periodicals Check-in
  Tips and Hints

Searching and Record Creation
  Creating a PO
  PO Continued
  Line Item Info.
  Finishing Up

Searching and Record Creation Handout
  Line Items Info.

Serials Check-in
  Issues with Components
  Issues continued
  Creating a Component
  Creating Continued

Series Checks in Voyager
  Serial Volume cont.
  Bookset etc.
  Monographic Series
  Monographic Series cont.

Series Checks in Voyager Script
  Bookset Standing Order
  Monographic Series

Acq for Selectors(WPD)
  Monographs and Funds
  Serialsand Mono series   Handouts

Documentation Home

Voyager Acquisitions — Serials Check-in

I. Checking in issues for which a component already exists

You can access check-in records by clicking on the yellow index card. Type in the search to find a record. Find Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars.

This brings up the check-in screen. On the top part of the screen is the result of your search. Notice that the title displays more information so it is easier to view the various parts of a serial. Choose the appropriate record and highlight it. Once you have chosen your record, if you click on the bibliographic information, this will bring you into the Cataloging module. You can also click on the location and this will bring you to the MARC holdings record. This is useful for verifying bibliographic information and holdings information.

Click on the View Order button to get an independent window that opens up and displays the purchase order for this particular serial. Let’s click on that button to display the purchase order. Notice that if there are issues checked in, the status reads Received Complete. This does not mean that the order is complete, but only that there have been issues received against the order.

Let’s go back to the check-in record by clicking either on the yellow index card or by clicking on the Acquisitions button on the bottom list bar.

Notice Issue(s) in hand to access a whole list of issues that can be checked in. The issue that is highlighted is the next expected issue. Notice also that if there are any missing issues, they are not hidden, but are displayed in the list.

The Add Issue(s), Change Issue(s), and Remove Issue(s) display is on the right side of this screen. You can add issues, change issues, or remove issues directly from the check-in screen.

The History button will give you a display of issues received, claimed and marked as problems. The Note button is an independent pop-up note. The Maintenance button allows you to make changes to the component. This brings you to Subscription Maintenance. On the top of the screen there is a small New button on the right of the screen to create new, additional components.

On the bottom of the screen, notice that there are 4 tabs. Their color indicates if they are active or not. On this screen there are 2 active tabs: Component Details and Predictive Component Pattern. The other 2 tabs are gray meaning that they are not active.

[Serials Check-in]  [Issues with Components]   [Issues continued]   [Creating a Component]  [Creating continued]  [Claiming]